The fundamental rule of the conversion process is that the receiving system will always perform the code page conversion. 转换过程的基本规则就是接收系统将总是执行代码页的转换。
This is undesirable because it violates a fundamental rule of object orientation: Objects have behavior and data. 但是,这种方式并不合适,因为这违反了面向对象的基本规则:对象拥有行为和数据。
One fundamental rule of language learning is: Use it, or lose it. 语言学习的根本法则就是用进废退。
There's a fundamental rule in physics that says, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred. 物理学里有一个基本的法则那就是:能源不可以被创造也不可以被破坏,它只能被转化。
That is a fundamental rule of life for wild. 这是一条根本的生存规律。
It is only after you have faced up to this fundamental rule and learned to distinguish between what you can and can't control that inner tranquility and outer effectiveness become possible. 唯有在勇敢面对这基本原则且学会分辨能否控制之间的差别之后,内心的宁静与外在行动的有效性才变得有可能。
In any line the fundamental rule is first come, first served, or what social scientists call "distributive justice." 不管在什么地方排队,基本原则都是先到先办事,或者用社会学家的话说,就是“公平待人。”
Not only was Greece let into the eurozone for political reasons, also the fundamental rule, no member to exceed its yearly budget deficit by the equivalent of 3 per cent of gross domestic product, was broken more than a hundred times. 他们不仅出于政治原因容许希腊加入欧元区,而且还无数次违反了成员国年度预算赤字不得超过该国国内生产总值(GDP)3%的基本规定。
The Constitution is the fundamental law of the country, is the fundamental rule of law and administration by law at the core. 宪法是国家的根本法,是依法治国的根本和依法行政的核心。
The commercial law plays an key role in maintain social fundamental rule with the market economic basic law-the civil law and economic law. 商法配合着同样作为市场经济基本法的民法、经济法,在维护社会的基本秩序方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
Any party can wipe out the other and exist independently by itself, and co-existence with common prosperity is the fundamental rule. 任何一方都不可能灭掉对方而独立存在,同生共荣方为大本。
The rule of relevancy is a fundamental rule in Anglo-American Evidence law. 关联性规则是英美证据法上的基本规则。
In order to normalize the activities of criminal cross examination, it's necessary to set up a series of fundamental rule of it. 为了规范刑事质证活动,确立一系例的刑事质证基本规则是有必要的。
Exhaustion doctrine is a fundamental rule in intellectual property law. 权利穷竭原则,是知识产权法上的一个重要原则。
This paper describes the subjective probability method for forecasting. Bayes'rule is a fundamental rule of the probability theory. 主观概率预测是直观性预测方法之一,它往往是特尔斐法在概率预测方面的具体应用。
In the research, two schools succeeded the repudiating spirit of Marxism, and studied the history and present through the culture plane on Marxism fundamental rule. 在学术研究当中,两学派都继承了马克思的批判精神,并在马克思主义的理论基础上,主要从文化层面展开对历史与现实的审视。
By analyzing the value of national economy behavior, this paper explores the relationship between cultural reason and existence forms in the process of national economy, illustrating that it is a fundamental rule to ensure the least risk in traditional culture. 本文通过对民族经济行为的价值判断分析,探讨民族经济过程中文化理性与生计方式选择的关系,从而阐明在传统文化中确保生存风险最小化是一个基本的文化规则。
It connects with commercial bill crime and commercial bill behavior, reveal commercial bill crime fundamental rule. 从而把票据犯罪与票据行为结合起来,揭示了票据犯罪的基本规律。
Administrative efficiency is a fundamental rule of the Administrative Procedure Law, as legislative consequence is the central element of it. 行政时效是行政程序法的一项基本制度,法律后果是行政时效制度的核心要素。
Deeply Cognize Property Right Relationship Rule Governing Structure of Legal Persons& Know from Learning of Fundamental Rule 深入认识产权关系规范法人治理结构&学习《基本规范》的体会
The society fair not only is the basic system arrangement and the design main basis in modern society, also is the fundamental rule between social each community depends carries on the benign interaction. 社会公正既是现代社会基本制度安排和设计的主要依据,也是社会各个群体之间赖以进行良性互动的基本规则。
Through three aspects of fundamental rule contract purchase, supervising and managing, the right relief we preserve the rights of small shareholders to find balance interests. 通过对要约收购基本规则、监管及权利救济等三方面的深入分析,来维护小股东之权益,找到利益的平衡点。
The society fair is the core value orientation of socialism, is the basic value idea and the fundamental rule of society modern. 社会公正是社会主义的核心价值取向,是现代社会的基本价值理念和基本规则。
Japan mainly initiated the Sino-Japanese trade friction using the WTO fundamental rule to limiting the import products from China. 日方主要利用WTO基本规则对我国出口产品进行限制。
"Pacta sunt servanda" is a fundamental rule of the traditional theories of civil law. 契约必须得到遵守,乃传统民法理论中的一项基本规则。
Principles of volunteer is fundamental rule of criminal reconciliation. 自愿原则是刑事和解的基础性原则。
As a fundamental rule of Chinese culture and art, the Spring& Autumn Annals style writing prescribed the mode of discourse, the meaning-constructing mode and the discourse reading mode, which had great impact on Chinese literary theory. 作为中国文化艺术的一种基本规则,《春秋》笔法分别从不同的角度规范着中国文论的话语言说方式、意义生成方式和话语解读方式,对中国文论产生了重要影响。
Second the paper mainly explains the effects that interests act on social development. It argues that interests are the basement and power of human social development. Interests guide people in social life as the fundamental rule of observation and evaluation of thing. 其次,本文主要论述了利益在社会发展中的重要作用,主张利益是社会发展的基础和动力,利益作为用以观察和评价事物的基本尺度,对人们的社会生活具有引导作用。
Meantime, the physical mechanism inducing the principle of complementarity is still under debate, whose focus is whether the principle of complementarity or Heisenberg uncertainty relation is more fundamental rule. 同时,互补原理的物理机制仍在争论之中,争论的焦点集中在互补原理与海森堡不确定性关系到底哪个是更基本的原理。
Hence, on the concrete condition of our country and analysis economy problem in our country is the fundamental rule to resolve our state-owned enterprise issue. The thesis comprises four parts. 因此,结合我国的国情,具体分析我国的经济矛盾,是解决我国国有企业问题的根本原则。本文共分四章。